How To Use the Curlers

Be Sure to follow these

Useful Tips for Using the Curlers

1. When you put the hook through the curler, be sure to open the end of the curler and insert the hook through the hole in the curler, not just straight up the center of the curler.
2.  When putting the hair in the hook, hold the hook closer to the top, and make sure the hook’s open end is up – if it is down, hair will sometimes come out and get tangled.
3.  After you put the hair in the hook, immediately push the curler up over the end of the hook, that will keep the hair in the hook.  
4.  Hold onto the top of the curler (loosely so that the hair will still pull through), while you pull the hook through the bottom.

Remember, practice makes perfect! The more you use these curlers, the easier it is!


Problem 1: Hook tangling in hair/ trouble pulling hook through curler.

If you are having trouble pulling the hook through the curler, or the hook gets tangled in your hair, there are a couple of things you can do to prevent that. Hold the hook close to the top, and always keep the hook with the opening up. After you put the hair in the hook, hold the hair securely in place and slide the curler right up over the end of the hook. Make sure that ALL the hair stays inside the hook. Then just pull the hook straight through the bottom of the curler.

If the hair is not tangling in the hook and it is still hard to pull through, you may be putting too much hair in. Make sure that you only put enough that will fit through the curler comfortably.

Problem 2: Curlers falling out of hair

If the curlers fall out of your hair, you are probably putting the hook through the curler incorrectly. Please make sure that you open the end of the curler and insert the hook through the INSIDE of the curler.  That way when you pull the hair through, it is actually inside the tube of the curler, not just right up the center. (See pics)

If done correctly, the curler will NOT fall out of your hair, even when you tug on it.